Sunday, January 16, 2011


I now have a Twitter account!/brucie995 and have posted my first tweet and also sent my first retweet!
I think I will have to come back and edit this post after I've had a play for a couple of days. Not too sure yet what to make of Twitter. My only experience so far is when I've followed some posts online to with regards to conferences that I've not been able to attend. Have generally found those posts hard to follow as for me they were "out of context" and full of abbreviations.


  1. Not too sure what to make of Twitter either... I hope to be pleasantly surprised with its usefulness when I have more followers and am following more folk...?

  2. I agree, I think you need to continually follow twitter to make any sense out of the posts

  3. Yes, I suppose its like any of these sites, you have to get used to its own type of language.

  4. I was rather hesitant and confused at first with Twitter, but am slowly figuring it out.

  5. I am coming round to Twitter, but for me it all boils down to I am doing other on-line study, playing with this stuff (or even using it seriously) is not so much a priority. But, I can see how it could be used in a library setting for people who tweet and connect in that way, along with Facebook, etc.
